Recycled Toilet Roll
Earth Friendly Rocker
‘Who gives a crap?’ Well, we do actually. This bog roll is the ultimate in worry-free wiping – because 50% of all profits made gets donated to help build toilets all around the world – and it’s completely recycled.

Bee Socks (£6)
The Manchester Store
Socks with the Manchester Bee on them. What more do you want? Your dad is going to bloody love them and they look great peeking out over some Docs.

Polaroid ‘The Button’ Camera (£85)
Milner & Son
You might think that 85 quid is a tad expensive for a Polaroid camera but I’ve seen these bad boys go for over £100 online, AND this comes with a film for it which are £20 themselves. This one is a special edition ‘The Button’ one from 1981 – so called because it had a button. Like all cameras.

Dinosaur Dungarees (£49)
Thunder Egg
There’s an impressive selection of clothes and gifts at Thunder Egg and you can’t help but notice the dungaree and dress offering – mainly because they all come in some pretty mad patterns and colours. This one is full of dinosaurs in case you can’t see it too well.

CBD Chocolates and Gummies (Various)
Inspired Life CBD
With a range of products that must make stock takes really, really boring, Inspired Life have loads of gift options this Christmas. I particularly liked their CBD chocolates and sweets – perfect for your little nephew or your Nan.

Jerry Hall Vogue Print (£12)
Mad for Art
There’s a ton of art and prints available at Mad for Art. I was particularly taken by this picture of Jerry Hall from this cover of Vogue in 1975. It’s by Norman Parkinson and would look great in my bathroom.

Madchester Music Map (£25)
NQ Gallery
A big seller in the NQ Gallery is this Madchester Music Map – taking you on a journey through the Manchester music scene one Metrolink stop at a time. It’s available in a bunch of sizes and even as a canvas – should you want it on your wall.

Cowboy Boots (£85)
These aren’t for everyone but if you’re cool – you should have a pair of proper leather cowboy boots. Zaffa is Afflecks’ longest serving shop and you can tell – it’s FULL of vintage clothing and accessories seemingly from well before I was born. Get the boots.

Embroidered Patches (£3.50)
Gay Pride Shop UK
The Gay Pride Shop in Afflecks is jam-packed full of goodies, and my favourites were these brilliant patches which you can stitch onto your new denim jacket and wear with pride. Who doesn’t want Prince on their lapel?

James Brown and his Famous Flames – Please, Please, Please
Vinyl Resting Place
An absolute classic album and this rare original UK issue on London Records sits proudly in Afflecks’ Vinyl Resting Place. Go get it now before someone else snaps it up!

Stanley Chow – Grace Jones
Egoiste Gallery
Grab yourself this fantastic print from the legendary Stanley Chow in Egoiste Gallery on the 2nd floor of Afflecks. Or is that the third floor? I was pretty lost by this point.

Macarena – Los Del Rio (£6)
Mars Tapes
The last cassette tape shop in the UK, perhaps even the world, Mars Tapes have an impressive selection of tapes which are perfect for your car, your Talkboy or just to put into one of those little cassette players and walk the streets with.

Gingerbread Brownies in a Bottle (£10)
Earth Friendly Rocker
There’s nothing more Christmassy than gingerbread and you get everything you need to make some brownies in this handy bottle. all you need to do is add the eggs and the butter and you’re all set. Oh, and you’ll need an oven too.

Kenyan Black CBD Hemp Tea
Inspired Life CBD
This stuff will help you get to sleep at night – it’s amazing. If you find yourself getting stressed out too – have a cup of this and you’ll feel like you’re the Dalai Llama.